the University of South Australia uni sa is a public research University in Adelaide South Australia it is a founding member of the Australian technology network of universities and is the largest university in South Australia with approximately 38 000 students uni sa has four Metropolitan campuses and two Regional campuses two Metropolitan campuses located in the heart of Adelaide are city east and City West whilst the others are located in Magill and Mawson Lakes Regional campuses can be found in whyalla and Mount Gambier this video will walk you through the three biggest campuses of unisa City East City West and Mawson Lakes campus if you’re interested in only one of those campuses you can jump to it using the chapter bar in this video or in the description below we upload scholarship videos regularly if you haven’t subscribed to our YouTube Channel Please Subscribe now and turn on the Bell to not miss out on any new scholarships uni sa City East Campus located along North Terrace is the home to the University’s nursing Health and Medical Science and construction management programs the city east campus is about a 10 minutes tram from the city west campus there are many trams and buses right at the front of the campus with free trams to the city center Brookman building which is the landmark of uni sa City East it is the home of the South Australian Institute of Business and Technology siped a branch of uni essay the Brookman building houses tutorial rooms computer pools and offices of psyched staff the library is situated within the Brookman building and is accessible via the rear entrance on the ground floor the library is tailored to health science students with related books and materials such as models and skeletons foreign building a is home to various food and retail outlets such as co-oop which sells textbooks and merchandise this is the student lounge with a TV kitchen microwaves toasters and hot water pool table tennis and lockers for students to use foreign the study room can be booked online City East Plaza is the Heart of the City East Campus all large activities and social events happen here such as Wellness day and free breakfast day it hosts most of the social events students can hire facilities on the Plaza it’s a lovely spot to hang out with friends and grab a coffee healthy food and snacks Centenary building has many lecture theaters for all Health courses level two is the gym and medical clinic which are open to the general public too The Horizon hospital and Health Service on levels five and six of this building are simulator Health Services for Bachelor of Nursing and Bachelor of Midwifery students there are several clinics here including dietetic Clinic exercise physiology and high performance Clinic Medical Clinic physiotherapy clinic and Podiatry Clinic this is uni sa health and medical clinics students with oversea health cover get free consultations and vaccinations here unisa sport gym is also located in the Centenary building it caters to all Fitness levels for all members unisa students alumni and the general public the gym is for all ability and fitness levels students studying exercise Sports Sciences human movement and clinical exercise physiology have practical experiences with real clients tailoring some exercise programs this is the basil-hetzel building here is one of the lecture rooms there are different displays around the building such as this biology display or other historic Pharmacy artifacts artifacts as you can see from these old artifacts the pharmacy profession has evolved a lot and Jubilee building is very important for medical imaging and radiation therapy all classes for occupational students and construction management students are here the Playford building is the campus Central One-Stop shop for any of your questions regarding enrollment payment graduation timetable student ID card Etc usasa has all clubs you can join social events on campus and campus fairs usasa offers free support for all unisa students student boards advocacy support academic support Financial counseling clubs and societies and social events usasa runs student Publications and artworks uni sa City West Campus is located on the western side of Adelaide City Center trams are also across the road it is a five-minute walk to the train station and many bus stops along the way International students get the same public transport discount as local students on All Buses trains and trams around Adelaide City West Campus is home to business law art architecture planning and design programs foreign this is Bradley building where Pharmacy and pharmaceutical Sciences students learn in facilities and Laboratories to explore areas of medical development on the ground floor is a museum of Discovery known as mod they are usually exhibitions focused on Science and Arts which are open to the general public for free many cancer researchers are located here too this is the Uganda building home of uni sa business programs it offers collaborative spaces for business students to study together live financial data feeds are around this building the building also has a financial trading room IRS trading room four students studying finance courses Finance students get access here a hand on Global Market data feed the same software used by Leading investment firms this building is also home to business student hubs which helps students with anything such as study plans electives and any challenges and help students to organize internships and student engagement the business careers team here hosts lots of events to help students connect with a business contact they also run the business career Mentor program where students can pair up with someone in the industry to be their mentor [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Louis O’Brien building is the uni sa law building uni sa legal advice clinics where law students practice their skills and provide legal advice to clients under the supervision of a managing solicitor there is also a dedicated space for students to practice their skills in a setting that replicates a court Jeffrey smart building has six floors of library and study spaces for students to study or work on assignments there are 600 computers and laptops that you can rent for free as a uni sa student on the ground floor is Career Services providing career advice and support if you’re wanting to get a part-time job campus Central is the brain of uni sa where you get support with any inquiries such as counseling and disability enrollment student ID help with assignments and study advice every second floor has kitchen facilities for your lunch boiling water or getting a snack from a vending machine pritam Hall hosts all the graduation ceremonies fun events and sports activities this building is home to the uni sa sport gym which is open to students and the General Public students get discounted rates group classes like Pilates hit and swimming classes in the indoor swimming pool you can sign up for many uni sa sports clubs such as hockey crickets soccer badminton netball and rock climbing many of the important student services are in the Catherine Helen Spence building the student lounge here is open 24 7. there are kitchen facilities microwaves toasters to heat up your food vending machines soft drinks a recharger for your devices and lockers to keep your stuff usasa stands for uni sa Student Association providing services including student board and looking after Social Clubs and societies many other great shared facilities are student space pool tables and ping pong tables seleusa Center for English language at unisa located in the student lounge helps students to develop and improve their language skills unia says Mawson Lakes campus is close to the technology park and the defense Precinct Mawson lake is 25-minute drive from the city center and the train is about a 5 to 10 minutes walk from the campus there are bus stops nearby and plenty of car parks Morrison Lake Campus is home to unisa’s I.T engineering and Aviation programs this is a building home of the student lounge there are two cafes on campus to get your coffee fix and snacks such as Burgers lobster rolls chips Mexican food and vegan or vegetarian options are available this is the place for students to catch up with friends this is the main Courtyard at the Mawson campus foreign this is the library the career service is inside the library to help students from the beginning of their degree with planning and progress towards their career help with part-time work classes help to find internships for gaining experience and support with career graduate roles support students with quick questions about their resume writing interview skills and managing online applications career guidance and arrange an appointment [Music] foreign building X is home to many research offices and Labs relating to the environmental Sciences it also houses the future Industries Institute University College London and mink CRC the Garf Boomer building is home to UNI sa education Futures which offers a range of degrees and conducts research in the fields of teaching learning Sciences education technology literacy and languages graduates are Educators spanning a range of teaching and learning roles from Early Childhood to secondary and Workforce this is the materials and minerals building known as mm building this building is where the stem programs are taught including science technology engineering and math degrees there are many lecture theaters on campus this is used for student teaching and research events thank you this is one of the lecture rooms in which students will learn the content before attending a tutorial practical or lab session [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] there are two Aviation degrees at Uni sa the management program and the flight program inside the uni sa Flight Deck are two flight simulators Boeing 737 and Airbus A320 flight simulator undergraduate students can choose a bachelor of Aviation pilot or a bachelor of Aviation flight students in the first year will get about 15 to 20 hours of flying in the flight specialization then students can continue with the Corporal program to get a commercial pilot license this is the it building for the areas of networking and cyber security uni sa has Cisco Labs where students are taught the content of Cisco certifications there is a game’s lab dedicated to it students particularly those who are in games and entertainment design major it is home to IV which is the Australian Research Center for interactive and virtual environments for things in AR and VR foreign building GP is home to the research and Innovation services and warrenka student services [Music] [Music] [Music] Mawson Lake Sports Center has two multi-sport courts and three squash courts available for use during selected times students can choose to play Squash badminton indoor soccer basketball netball or volleyball foreign [Applause] the F building is home to the school of electrical and information engineering thank you the queue building is largely devoted to the Ian walk Research Center [Music] building IW is the Ian walk Research Institute Laboratories foreign [Music] [Music] building p is home to the school of natural and built environments Sir Charles Todd building houses electronics and Research Laboratories postgraduate rooms lectures and tutorial rooms workshops and a robotics Club this is the Math and Science Center [Music] building J is home to the school of advanced manufacturing and mechanical engineering foreign pH houses pumps and chillers and this building is largely inaccessible to students building M contains the school of mechanical engineering and regenerative medicine Laboratories this is the record-breaking bike uni sa mechanical engineering students in conjunction with Santos designed and manufactured this world’s longest bicycle the bicycle is 41.9 meters long and seats 20 Riders excuse me this is the uni sa 4.0 test lab which comprises 3D printing post printing analysis and treatment facilities and 3D scanning equipment [Music] building R has two teaching Labs PMB and MI the Mawson Center is jointly owned by unisa the city of Salisbury and the sa department for education the Mawson Center is a learning cultural and Community Hub offering a wide range of programs Services events and room hire foreign Lakes campus is right next to Mawson Lakes shopping areas with all stores for your needs such as grocery stores Woolworth Aldi many restaurants pharmacies medical clinics Etc if you find this video useful please click the like button remember to check our website for more scholarships WE Post regularly so please subscribe and turn on the Bell to never miss out any scholarship opportunities we are also on other social platforms follow us if you want to get scholarship news early good luck with your scholarship hunting foreign [Music]
University of South Australia campus tour UniSA Adelaide
مايو 30, 2023